The cover image on my 2015 personal journal.
I have blogged many times about how to have the courage and confidence to act on your dreams. There had been a “big idea” floating around in my head for a long time, and this was the year, to act, and make this dream happen.
You may know that my “Big Goal” is to create and deliver an on-line class that combines journaling with painting, called Art of Gratitude. (It’s almost ready!)
It’s been an ambitious goal for a technology-challenged person such as myself. Some of the challenges:
- Learning how to edit movies in i-movie and use Vimeo
- Redesigning my website
- Learning to use an on-line course delivery system
- Setting up a way to order art supplies through my website (done!)
- Building my subscriber list and using email management systems
Is your head spinning? So is mine. It has been all year long. (Note: that list doesn’t even include writing the material and painting the paintings!)
I blogged once about how to eat an elephant, and The Art of Gratitude on-line course is my elephant! I hope you will check it out when it’s ready!
Tell us about your “elephant” so we can all encourage you too!