Find out the story behind this life-sized rendition of the MIA/POW Remembrance Table–made completely out of book paper.

During his service in the Navy (Don’s now a retired Captain) we attended many balls. One memorable moment for me has always been the MIA/POW Remembrance Table. It would bring me to tears every time.
Finding a book titled, The Empty Chair, was the inspiration to make this artwork. Unfortunately that book (a murder mystery) wasn’t appropriate. My favorite thrift store offered three other books to use: The Forgotten Soldier, One Soldier’s Story and Captive: My Time as a Prisoner of the Taliban.
Each piece of the artwork–the table, chair, place setting, candle, salt shaker, lemon, and wine glass– has a special symbolic meaning in the military community. This can be learned through a simple internet search. Additionally, I added my own symbolism through my process.

The entire artwork is hollow paper–there is not a table or chair inside the paper. This simulates the hollow feeling of friends and family members who are helpless to bring their loved ones home.
The table is covered with a “tablecloth” that is made of pages of the book The Forgotten Soldier with words cut out. The ratio of words missing and words left on the pages is similar to the ratio of MIAs to the total participants in American wars since WWI.
The paper used for the table stand came from the book One Soldier’s Story. I cut the pages into teardrop shapes before glueing them together to mold the table. The tears represent those shed by friends and family as they try to stay strong and support their loved ones. The paper for the chair, on the other hand, was all torn, as the chair represents the MIA/POW who is torn between doing what is needed for survival and being loyal to our country.
The items on the table are a mix of rice paper and book paper. Tear-drop shaped pieces from the books are embedded in the plates and glass. The tears of the prisoner or soldier confronting a terrible fate all alone. Tears are visible on the candle, the flatware–the tears that family and friends openly shed.
It is my hope that those who view and appreciate this piece will pause and remember those who are missing so that they are never forgotten!