The challenge for a recent show was to work a “touch of humor” into a piece of art. My secondary challenge was to create book art from Alice in Wonderland. Right away, I thought, “What if Alice was pushed?” and that’s how this piece came about.
Even though it was tongue in cheek, it has gotten me thinking. How would Alice’s adventure in Wonderland been different if she had been pushed instead of going down the rabbit hole willingly? Would she have gone on to have all of her amazing adventures, or would she have sat at the bottom of the hole and simply cried, waiting to be found?
We all have adventures in our lives, in the form of jobs, a relationships, travels, and just our daily experiences. Some are a bit mundane and some are a bit more interesting and exciting. And of course, sometimes we choose the adventure, and sometimes we are pushed! (After all, there is a huge difference between resigning from a job and being fired, or breaking up with someone and getting dumped.)
What happens when you land in an “adventure” that you were pushed into? How do you respond? Do you become passive and reactionary? Or do you roll up your sleeves and go at the situation full-tilt? What difference would it make if you had chosen that path instead?
I think Alice was the kind of girl to roll up her sleeves and make her own grand adventures no matter where she landed. I hope you are that kind of person too. What is your present challenged (aka “adventure”) and how are you being proactive about it?