Book Used:  Bad Decisions Make Good Stories
(plus Bad Decisions submitted by friends and family)

The pilgrims who walk the Camino in Spain carry rocks, representing burdens or regrets, to leave along the way.  As I walked the Camino in the summer of 2023, my friends and I discussed these rocks as being the weight of our bad decisions.  Naturally the inspiration for an artwork wedged its way into my mind.

As I created paper-cast rocks (using rocks from our back yard landscaping), I also appealed to friends and family to send me the bad decisions they have made in the past.  Over 125 bad decisions were submitted (including many of my own), some quite serious, and some incredibly funny!  

Hopefully everyone feels lighter by having their bad decisions off their chests.  

This pile of rocks is approximately 24″ long x 24″ wide x 10″ tall.  It displays on a pedestal or shelf.

To buy this artwork, click here.