I was out for a run this morning with 1000 thoughts going through my mind.  It was a Virginia Wolfe stream-of-consciousness type of run.  Most of the problems of the weekend sift through my mind without even being fully verbalized by that internal voice.vifl finish group

One small issue that was niggling at me over the weekend was why I’ve not gotten email replies from a few people that I had been expecting.  No sooner did I have the thought, a solution popped into my head–check the spam folder (which I rarely do!).   Sure enough, there were the two replies–curiously dumped into the junk-email folder.

How does this relate to art?  Running, painting, driving to a familiar place and taking a warm shower all have a common link to creativity, problem solving and innovation.  Do this:  Sign up for a Taste of Art class, and then read the article below.  If you don’t believe that having a wine glass in one hand and a paint brush in another will help you solve some problem in your life, then you can cancel the class!

So why does going for a run help me find a solution so easily?  Read this article by Leo Widrich.  He sums it up so well!  It’s what I’ve been saying all along.  Come paint with me!