Welcome to the first week of school. It’s 1 pm on Friday and I just realized that my blog usually goes out at 10 am. Ooops! I guess that just shows what kind of week it has been!
My goal today was to revisit a post from June 12, in which I asked you to write down a big goal and start making plans toward it. Did you do that? You were supposed to create reminders to revisit your idea in 3, 6 and 9 months. Can you believe it’s been 3 months already? How’s it going? Please reply and let me know.
I’ve been working on my “big idea,” a painting course, called Art of Gratitude, that will be delivered on-line. It has been slow-going and I’m getting discouraged. Some days I’m honestly ready to forget the whole thing. The learning curve is pretty steep and my time-management skills seem to be on vacation (since June?).
So my message today is that if you are hitting roadblocks or feeling discouraged, I am right there with you! You feel this way because your goal is truly important. Figure out the way to keep going. Even if it’s finding the smallest step you can accomplish, or asking for help. Remember, what you focus on grows. And if this little flower can grow, so can your big idea.
What are you working on?