Credit: Parade Magazine
Did you see Parade Magazine this past Sunday? They were singing my song! I have written before about the benefits of coloring, and that was their cover story!
According to their article, coloring books for adults are a hot trend. They are making the best-seller list for books in countries around the world. Why is this childhood activity becoming a leading stress-busting activity?
The beauty of coloring is that it works so well for those self-proclaimed non-artists. (Anecdotally, about 95% of the people I know declare that they are NOT artistic.)
First of all, in coloring books, a beautifully drawn image is already there. It can’t really be ruined. That removes most of the anxiety about making a mistake. Unless you have confidence in your drawing skills, just getting a picture on the paper is going to negate your chances of relaxing.
Secondly, taking up this hobby doesn’t require a learning curve. If you were to take up knitting for the first time, the cognitive (learning) areas of your brain will be most engaged—remembering steps, terms, counting, etc. Also, the prefrontal cortex will be fired up, sending all kinds of warnings as you venture into this new territory: don’t make a fool of yourself! (Remember, its job is to protect you.) There is very little relaxation happening in the brain of a person who is learning a new skill.
Coloring is something anyone can do with no special instruction, with very little “risk” involved. It becomes a form of “active meditation” in which some areas of the brain are involved in reflexive activity, and the brain is flooded by good-feeling dopamine.
For many people, it’s also a return to one of childhood’s most calming, soothing activities. Coloring takes you into a “happy place” on a subconscious level. That’s one of the reasons it’s taking off so successfully!
If you want to reduce stress, relax more and even increase your productivity at work (as shown by a study from San Francisco State University), then grab a coloring book and go for it!
Here is a link to download a black and white version of the Parade cover that you can color yourself.
Give it a try. Post our image to my Facebook page. And please, tell us why you loved it!