I was way (way!) behind the 8-ball on painting our annual Christmas card. And when I finished this one, I wasn’t 100% satisfied. There was one little spot that I wished had come out differently. I could have tried to fix it, but that also risked ruining the entire painting. I wasn’t sure I had the time to paint another. So this year, it went out with that little spot that annoys me.

wake board santa no borderThat’s how it goes in art. And also in life, in business, with friends, with family, with plans. Sometimes we just have to go with what we have, even if it’s not 100% perfect. Allow yourself to recognize when it’s ok to be “good enough.” Then take a deep breath, and relax. Let yourself be OK with it.

Otherwise, you might not ever get anything to the point where you can say, “done.”  What lessons in “imperfection” can you share with me?