Sculptural artworks are created with a variety of techniques, including paper casting, paper engineering, carving and painting.

Click on each for a larger view.

A 1898 copy of Macbeth has been cut to reveal the passage of the play with Lady Macbeth's famous line. The artist, Maggie Kerrigan, then wove the thread to bind the rest of the book together and encapsulate the famous words.

Out Damned Spot!
Book Used:  The Tragedy of Macbeth (copyright 1898)

An artwork called The Infinity of Imagination by artist Maggie Kerrigan. It's a manual typewriter that has been cast in paper and has ribbons of book text flowing out of it.

The Infinity of Imagination
Books Used:  Novels by Tom Wolfe

An artwork by Maggie Kerrigan that shows fortune cookies made from the paper of a book.

Good Fortunes
Book Used:  Outrageous Good Fortune

A book sculpture by Maggie Kerrigan that shows thousands of words cut out of the book The Dictionary of Lost Words and displayed as specimens under a glass dome.

The Lost Words
Book Used:  The Dictionary of Lost Words

An artwork by Maggie Kerrigan that shows a pile of rocks that have been covered by text from the book Bad Decisions Make Good Stories, as well as 125 bad decisions that were submitted to Maggie (along with her own).

The Weight of Our Bad Decisions
Book Used:  Bad Decisions Make Good Stories

A artwork by Maggie Kerrigan depicting a paper watering can with paper flowers flowing out of it.

Book Used: The Annual Encyclopedia