I sat through a business workshop last weekend, and one of the tasks was an exercise where I describe my “ideal client.” In other words, I was asked to describe whom I most want to serve through My Art and Teaching Art.
When it comes to the “my art” part of it, I simply want to serve some rich patrons who want to buy what I make. If that’s you, please stop reading right now. Click over to my gallery page and choose the pieces you’d like to buy. Thank you! I appreciate it.
All kidding aside, you know that my blog is not designed to inspire art buyers. The topics would be completely different if that were my reason for writing each week. My focus is on the people I teach. And you may have noticed that even though I teach ART classes, my blog is rarely about art techniques.
When I deeply examined Who Am I Trying To Serve Through My Art Classes, I realized that my purpose is to help people grow as people, not necessarily as artists.
All along I have known that art for the sake of art is a viable goal for only a handful of people. Over time I’ve come to learn the many ways that art is actually a vehicle for other purposes.
If you have taken my Taste of Art classes, you know that we always add a personal growth exercise to the art class. Whatever pretty picture we make—well it serves a much deeper purpose than just being a nice thing to hang on the wall.
So then, what is your purpose? Why do you continue to read my blog or take my classes? One assumption I’ve made is that you are here because you have something stuck in your craw. You have a dream or a goal that’s eating at you, nipping at your heels, but still not happening for some reason.
I don’t view you as someone whose end goal is to be an artist and create artworks. I see you as a person who wants to create her own life story and success. I’ve assumed that you have a “big idea” that you want to see through.
What I’m hoping is that you ARE a dreamer, and that I can help you use some creative art projects as a way to chase your dreams and make them a reality.
So now I really and truly need to hear from you. Are you my ideal client? Are you a dreamer? What is the thing you want to do (big or small), but something seems to be holding you back? What are you aching to do, to accomplish? Your Big Idea. Put it in words, right here.