I came back from running one morning and noticed this little flower growing on our porch. See it there? The purple one? (Here’s a closer look) As small as my thumb, this little plant was pushing its way out of the crease of the porch.
First of all, what kind of luck did it take for a seed to fall in that exact spot? More importantly, if this tenacious little plant can grow, we can be inspired to grow our ideas as well!
What have you been wanting to accomplish? Something big or small. Find something to write on (smart phone notes, post it note, scrap of paper) and write it down. (Seriously! Stop reading right now, and write down that idea.) Now put it away somewhere–tuck it behind your driver’s license in your wallet. (I’ll wait while you do that.) Let it be like a seed in an unlikely fertile spot. Let it get damp, fester and sprout.
Bringing an idea to life is no easy task. We get stalled, derailed; we lose our motivation and confidence; there are delays. S#%^ happens, and LIFE happens. Let’s take inspiration from these plants and how, despite the worst of conditions, they still persist. We all can too. One thing is for certain:
What we focus on GROWS.
Now take that idea you wrote down and schedule some reminders for yourself for 3, 6 and 9 months from now. Revisit it and see how you have been able to make your idea grow, just like my little porch flower!
What did you write down? Put it in words in an email to me, or in the website comments, and let’s watch it grow together!