These artworks are created with custom made designs for each individual book, using a process of cutting and folding each page of the book.

Click on each to view in more detail.

An artwork by Maggie Kerrigan in which the pages of the book have been cut and folded to depict a surfer catching air on a wave.

Surf’s Up!
Book Used:  Ocracoke

An artwork by Maggie Kerrrigan that is a book sculpture with folded pages to create the shape of an apple with a heart in it.

If You Can Read This, Thank a Teacher
Book Used:  Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten

A book sculpture by Maggie Kerrigan, created by folding the pages to form a cup of coffee with heart-shaped steam

Who Loves Joe?
Book Used:  Craft Coffee

A book sculpture by Maggie Kerrigan in which the pages are folded to show an image of Santa Claus.

Ho Ho Ho!
Book Used:  Santa Clause, A Biography

A book sculpture by Maggie Kerrigan in which the book pages have been folded to ceate a shamrock.

Feeling Lucky?
Book Used:  Plumb Lucky

A book sculpture by artist Maggie Kerrigan in which the pages of the book have been folded to depict a crab pinching the toe on a foot.

Something’s Crabbing My Toe!
Book Used: Beautiful Swimmers