A lot of people don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because they know going in that they’ll never achieve them.
Well, duh!
It’s time to wrap your arms around the idea that “resolutions” are NOT achievable, because they are not the same as goals.
Resolutions are broad statements of change. I want to be more healthy, more positive, more creative, more organized, make more money, be more in touch with family, and so on. They have more to do with our core attitudes and broad behaviors than with specific achievements. There is no finish line with resolutions. Think of it as a continuum, and your plan is to slide yourself further along in a particular direction.
The business gurus will say there is no value in making a goal that can’t be achieved, but I disagree!
There is HUGE value in setting an intention and then revisiting that throughout the year. Think of it–if you take the stairs two or three times, you’ve moved along the health continuum. You are changing toward your idea of better, even if it’s just a little bit.
One of my resolutions is to “eliminate hurry” in my life. Again! It was on my list in 2014 and 2015. Have I succeeded? Depends on how you define success. I have definitely IMPROVED, just ask my husband (no, on second thought–don’t ask him!). I’m doing better with time management. And if I catch myself in a fit of “hurry,” I make a visible mental shift. It’s done wonders for stress, and has a nice side effect of actually getting places on time more often. I will never 100% eliminate hurry. But I’m getting better at it!
Right now, decide on two changes you’d like to make this year. Set your intention by writing it in all caps on January 1 of your calendar. Now go into your calendar and set 6 reminders (every 2 mo.) to “Revisit Resolutions.” When it’s time to revisit, take a few minutes to record any of the small things you’ve done to move along the continuum.
Did you record your resolution? What is it?