It turns out you CAN teach an old dog new tricks! I’m living proof. Every day of “art as a business” is a learning experience for me. This newest one is in finding a better way to communicate and share with all of you. Notice the difference? I hope you like the change.
A long time ago I was in a workshop for teachers that started with several icebreaker activities. In one, they would read a statement with two possible options and we had to stand on a line relative to how much either option applied to us. One statement said, “When things get stressful, I seek… consistency or change.” Well, I was the only person standing on the side of the room that represented change. Yep, I’m a bit of an oddball in that area.
There is no doubt about it. Change can be hard. But it’s also touted as the one thing you can always count on. Therefore, the better we are at adapting to change, the easier life will be. (Tell that to the person who still has to update the OS on their smartphone!)
We have all endured changes of one type or another, some minor and annoying (like that new OS) and some major and life-shattering (like a company re-org or a divorce). Sometimes we are kicking and screaming and other times we embrace the new opportunities that the change brings. The best outcome, regardless, is when we are on finally comfortable on the other side. That’s when we can see the benefits and the value of the discomfort we endured.
Think about some sort of change are you “enduring” right now. What are the new possibilities you can embrace?