All I want for Christmas is to be able to impact other lives in a positive way through The Gratitude Project. You can get it here.
The Gratitude Project is available and the holiday time is a great time to start on it.
Unlike other “pre-fab journals,” this is one that you fill with writing prompts that are drawn from your own life experience. To be able to do that, you’ll spend some time up front in a guided brainstorming process.
This process can take at least an hour. The break that’s coming the week before New Year’s is a perfect time for this. We’re in a reflective mode anyway at the end of the year, and we’re looking forward to a new beginning come January 1.
Why not begin your year with a new habit of Gratitude? It has the power to change the way you move through your day. It has the power to change YOU.
Here’s Nancy’s story:
This project helped me to focus and ‘carve’ time out in my day. Some days (especially with this being my ‘crunch’ time at work), I did not journal. I appreciated your suggestion not to be discouraged by this but to just keep trying. The main thing I noticed was that, even when I did not journal, my thoughts of the day were more positive and hopeful looking through the lens of gratitude.
As mentioned, this was a CRAZY busy time at work. Instead of writing how challenging workdays were, how the long hours were draining, etc., I wrote about thanksgiving for a wonderful job, supportive co-workers, and the ability to change many lives by my profession.
All I want for Christmas is to be able to impact other lives in a positive way through The Gratitude Project. I hope you’ll take the journey!
What do you think?