If you have been reading this blog for the past few weeks, you might be starting to wonder what it has to do with art. It does seem to be more about motivation lately, but there is method to the madness.
“Creative Types” tend to be low on self-confidence. I attribute most of that to the subjective nature of our craft. Everything we do is subject to someone else’s approval.
In the general public, including those with very high self-confidence, people tend to experience shaky ground when ART is brought into the picture. I’ve seen competent men and women crumble because they were asked to create a drawing at a business meeting. What is it about ART that causes most people over the age of 7 to get nervous?
Whether you consider yourself a “Creative” or not, I hope that these blog posts are helping you find your confidence, motivation and mojo.
This photo has floated around the internet: “Artists need to create on the same scale that society has the capacity to destroy.”
My goal: to help artists and non-artists feel motivated to create. What will you create today?