If you do them right, yes!resolution calvin

I have to admit that I’m a big sucker for resolutions and goals, and all the optimism that comes with them.  There are a lot of people who don’t believe in resolutions, but I do.  I believe that the very task of setting an intention helps to bring that idea, skill or mindset into your life.

Of course, many resolutions fail because setting an intention alone is not enough.  Along with setting the intention, you need planning and commitment, among other things.  For example, setting a resolution of weight loss is not going to bring success unless you do some other things as well, such as learning to cook in a healthier way, tracking your weight against your goals and addressing the situations that contribute to overeating.

Pretend with me that your resolution is to become a more creative person.  Along with your intention, add the planning and commitment.   Right now (I mean it–get out some paper or notes on your phone), list three actions you could plan for the year that would help you increase your creativity  (such as taking a class, keeping an idea journal or monthly contact with the people who inspire you).

Now write three ways you can increase your commitment to creativity  (maybe reminders in your calendar that force you to admit how you applied creative solutions to a problem, a monthly task of brainstorming or mind mapping, or quarterly blog posts on creative risks you have taken).  Where did you write these things?  Put them in a place where you will revisit them throughout the year.

So remember:  Resolution + Planning + Commitment = Success

What is one of your resolutions?