Sometimes I question if what I’m doing is art or craft. I suppose that with some pieces it may be somewhere in the middle of the two. I prefer to think of this piece, “Book of Secrets” as pure art, even though it looks like just another DIY project.
Here’s why…
Last month, I set out thinking about what might make a good piece of art to enter into an exhibition called “Reflections.” Naturally a mirror became prime element to incorporate. While killing time at the thrift store with Katie I found a wicker mirror stand–perfect!
Then I browsed the book section to find a title that would be appropriate. This one stood out. Who doesn’t look in the mirror and know that there are many secrets hidden away that will not be shared?
That line of thinking was enough to make the book a good match, but then as I started working with the book paper, I became aware of what the content truly was. It’s a self-help book about realizing your potential and living harmoniously within the human race. What a timely idea for the current climate of politics and world affairs.
After the book pages were cut into strips, I sorted them according to the words and phrases on each. Then began working with them to cover the wicker mirror frame and stand.
The frame is covered in layers of book paper, but the top layer consists of all of the carefully selected words and phrases.
I’m always amazed at how an artwork itself takes over and becomes its own being, regardless of my original intent. This piece is a great example of that. What I thought would be a piece about hiding secrets has become a piece about tapping into our secret potential.
I hope that all who gaze at themselves in the mirror will also catch a glimpse of the words and be inspired by both. Instead of seeing secrets that should be hidden, I hope that we all see our secrets (of strength) that should be shared.
This is on exhibit at The Artists Gallery through Oct. 29th. Come see it. I bet you’ll spend more time gazing at the stand than you do looking into he mirror!
So what do you think, is it art? Why do you say that?