I took our dog Nutmeg to visit a friend in a rehab facility last week. Janie has had a stroke and is relearning how to use the left side of her body. She loves our dog, and would be happier to see her than to see me.
Bringing this particular dog into a facility with physically impaired patients seemed like risky business. A typical Doodle, our six-year-old dog is still ALL PUPPY. When she’s excited to see someone, she can be a blur of fur, tail wagging the dog, dancing all around and sometimes jumping up. We have not been able to train her out of that.
What an amazing sight, to see this dog at the rehab facility! She SENSED something unusual about the place and totally rose to the occasion! She was happy, but calm. Friendly but mellow. Not only did she make Janie’s day, but also that of several other patients in the center. She did not approach patients who had walkers, but happily went to those in wheelchairs who held their hands out to her. How do dogs know?
More importantly, what does this have to do with you? Do you ever have opportunities that you shrink back from because you don’t think you have what it takes? Maybe it would be worth letting your “dog sense” kick in.
Sometimes we can’t know that we have a particular strength or ability until it’s tested. Yes, testing is risky, but how else will you find out that you ARE capable?
I challenge you to rise to a challenge this week! Seek out a situation that brings you out of your comfort zone and go for it.
What can you do to test your “dog sense?”