Our family was watching a snowboarding competition where the boarders launched off of a ramp as tall as those huge ski-jumps. I thought about my son and skateboarding, because “dropping in” on a skateboard is the same idea.
He admitted that it’s really scary because you have to lean so far forward for it to work. For a second you are hanging there over empty space. But then before you know it you are moving down the ramp.
I thought about how this relates to goals. When you set a goal, you are static, at the top of the ramp. The only way to get moving is to lean forward and hang over empty space for a few seconds. It can be terrifying! According to my son, if you start to chicken out and lean back again, you’ll blow it. True for skateboards, and for goals.
I’ve blogged before about leaning in. And I’ve done a goal setting class with some artists. So I’m writing this for Lynne S., Jean R., Kay H. and Kathy S. Are you leaning in?????
And what about the rest of you? What is your goal, and how are you leaning in?