100 Leaves of GratitudeWhen I published the Art of Gratitude course, my goal was to get 20 people to sign up before Dec. 31st.  Was that too ambitious?  After all, it is the busiest, most stressful time of year for many people, between two major holidays.  Add year-end business closeout and there isn’t much free time for reflecting, writing and painting.

Or is there?

I won’t go into a lot of detail in this short post, but I’ll tell you that the quickest way to reduce stress is to spend a little time in your “gratitude place.”  Stress cannot coexist with full-on-genuine gratitude.

The Art of Gratitude course is a great way to immerse yourself, even if for only a few minutes at a time.  painting the backgroundBecause the course is all on-line and self-paced, you can do as little or as much as your schedule allows.  The unique pairing of writing and painting will help you adopt an attitude that will carry through your day and week.  This is a great way to maintain your equilibrium from Thanksgiving on through to the new year.

If you are considering the course for after the holidays, why not commit to it now.  You’ll get the $20 discount and already be on your way toward a more peaceful December.  Click to read more and sign up.