One bite at a time.
It’s also how you achieve an overwhelming, major goal. I was reminded of this a few days ago while wondering how on earth I have been able to train and get ready to run this marathon on Sunday. Looking at the training chart, I realized it was simply one workout at a time. It was important to look ahead at the next run, the next week, and not think too hard about the whole shebang.
Now that the race is almost over, my next big goal is on the horizon: to offer a painting class on line. I’m totally overwhelmed at the idea—the technology to learn, the marketing and of course, the presentation. So yesterday I broke it down into a thousand little bites. Next the pieces are going onto a chart and calendar so I can tackle one at a time until it’s done.
How about you? Do you have a big goal? Take the time to break it down into pieces, the smallest possible, and chart it out. If you can tie it to a calendar, that’s all the better. Then you can start checking it off, one bite at a time.
Tell us about your big goal, and one of the small steps…